On November 3rd, 2018, Young Gifted and Black will be honored at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts as one of the YBCA100.  Our work in community engaging young people and audiences throughout Northern California with Black History and pride is being recognized with this award.  We stand shoulder to shoulder with many other profound artists and change makers from all over the world including grammy winning pop star Janelle Monet, former US Secretary of State Madeline Albright, director and star of the hit film "Blindspotting" Rafael Casal, and a host of others. 

November 3rd is just the beginning of the celebration as all week the award winners will be highlighted and honored at a series of events at the historic San Francisco venue.  We are inviting all of our YGB families and members past, present and future to come celebrate this award with us.  We will have additional announcements about how we will do this and embrace all of those who helped YGB win this prestigious award.