Proud2beblack is a campaign of the Professional consulting firm Edutainment for Equity to affirm Black Pride and Consciousness into Black people worldwide.  Included in that mission is support for Young Gifted and Black, and the teaching and learning of Black History.  Co CEO and Creative Director of Edutainment for Equity also doubles as a scholar of this history.  His extensive experience makes the addition of Mr Davis Classroom into the Proud2beBlack campaign a logical next step for the work.

In 2017 we were able to offer 6 Mr Davis Classroom sessions in an Oakland shoe store for over 200 participants.  We also facilitated additional sessions in Africa, hosting 2 in Uganda and 1 in both Elmina, Ghana and Arusha, Tanzania.  The Classrooms are designed to provide tools and information meant to decolonize the African mind.  With an emphasis on deconstructing false narratives and Eurocentric ideologies, the experience is an excellent introduction to the power of Black History.  Participants the world over have reported of being transformed by the experience and hungry to learn and know more. 

In 2018 we plan to continue to host Mr Davis Classroom sessions in Oakland and to make them free to attend for youth under the age of 18.  We also intend to facilitate MDC's internationally, in Trinidad and in South Africa.  At Edutainment for Equity we are always trying to find ways to make this information more accessible and inspiring to the next generation.  In that vein we are developing products, tool kits and other resources to further operationalize MDC and YGB.   it is our hope that these strategies and the materials we produce from them can help parents, educators and young people throughout the African diaspora maintain a passion for their history and culture. 
